About Turkistan Invest

Information about «Turkistan Invest»    

In accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 246 of the corporate code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 29, 2015, in accordance with the resolution of the akimat of Turkestan region dated January 23, 2001 "on local public administration and self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan", dated April 6, 2016 "on acceptance of the share of participation in the authorized capital of the limited liability company" Regional Agency for attracting investment and Export Development "TURKISTAN INVEST" dated January 22, 2020 No. 8" on acceptance of the share of participation in the regional communal property", akimat of Turkestan region decides:

  1. the limited liability company" Regional Agency for attracting investment and Export Development" TURKISTAN INVEST " should be defined as a regional organization in the field of attracting investment.
  2. cancel the resolution of the akimat of Turkestan region dated August 27, 2019 No. 187 "on determining a regional organization in the field of attracting investments".

the state institution" Department of investment and export of Turkestan region " in accordance with the procedure established by law should take the necessary measures arising in this district..