Doing a Business

Currency regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Pursuant to the Article 127 of the Civil Code of Kazakhstan, Tenge is the legal means of payment obligatory for acceptance at nominal value throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the Article 282 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General part), monetary obligations on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan must be expressed in tenge, except for the cases established by laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Валюталық реттеу органдары

The National Bank is the main monetary authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Transactions between residents and non-residents can be effected in national and (or) foreign currency with no limits in accordance with the foreign currency laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Non-residents may receive and transfer funds of any currency related to the transactions between them and their branches (representative offices) located in Kazakhstan in manner prescribed by the laws. Non-residents may receive and transfer dividends, rewards and other incomes generated from deposits (deposits), securities, borrowed and other currency transactions with residents, in manner prescribed by the laws. The terms and procedures of foreign currency transactions related to financial and professional services in the territory of the Astana International Financial Center are established by the acts of the Astana International Financial Center in coordination with the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.